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Empoderando a Latinoamérica 2018


Latin America, a region with a rich history and culture, has recently undergone many rapid social and economic changes that have brought about expanding opportunities, but also ever-increasing challenges. Injustice, violence, and inequality abound throughout the region, and it is Latin American youth’s responsibility to stand up and work collectively to eradicate those issues. 


With this in mind, a group of young Latin Americans created Empoderando a Latinoamérica, a youth empowerment course that seeks to empower Latin Americans to become powerful agents of social change throughout the region through the provision of an intellectually and culturally enriching experience that provides them the skills to become more engaged and effective citizens that are able to contribute with projects, actions, and solutions that tackle social problems in their communities, their countries, and the region in general. Through the promotion and use of social activism and civic engagement as means of social change, we ultimately seek to encourage Participants and Facilitators to fight more strongly towards generating peace, equality and justice for Latin America.
















Encourage Latin American youth to work actively, critically, and collectively by means of social activism, civic engagement, and regional cooperation in order to contribute to improve life conditions in Latin America.



A plural, democratic, caring, and inclusive Latin America with equal opportunities and optimal conditions of life for all its inhabitants in which constructive dialogue, cooperation, solidarity, and intercultural understanding prevail and in which young people are sensitive and critical about the environmental, social, economic, political, and cultural realities of their environments; are committed with the wellbeing of the people and the environment that surround them; and work actively and collectively with the aim of fighting for a true social development for their communities, their countries, and the entire region that is based on justice, equality, sustainability, respect and promotion of the human rights of all, and the care and protection of the environment.








Commitment with people and the environment



Ten young Latin Americans from five different countries


Number of Participants

35 (16-24 years old)



Wednesday 3rd - Sunday 28th of January of 201​8

















Peace Agency Workshops

The Peace Agency Workshops are workshops in which participants learn, discuss, and reflect about the principles of peace, social justice, equality, ethics, human rights, and sustainability. Also, in light of their distinct contexts, they obtain tools to generate peace on the basis of life skills such as empathy, dialogue, leadership, teamwork, consensus-based decision making, problem-solving, self-reflection and knowledge, critical thinking, and the handling of emotions. 


Public Issues Workshops

The Public Issues Workshops allow participants to learn, discuss, analyze, reflect upon, and sensibilize upon the different social and environmental public issues that affect their communities, their countries, and the entire region. 














Creative Action Workshops

The Creative Action Workshops generate a space in which participants can collaborate in the realization of creative projects in different artistic areas that look to address social and environmental problems in their communities, their countries, and the entire region.


Civic Engagement Workshops

The Civic Engagement Workshops look to encourage participants to learn, analyze, and discuss about civic engagement and social activism, including their role in community development, different forms and examples of their exercise, their relationship with the governance of a community, and the importance of their practice in the formation to just, equal, and peaceful communities.













Social Project Development Workshops

With the support of facilitators, the participants acquire the tools to develop initiatives and organizations as well as the opportunity to develop their own project and organization on the basis of the Empoderando a Latinoamérica methodology.











The Empoderando a Latinoamérica team is committed in providing a unique, enriching, and transforming experience to the largest possible amount of young Latin Americans without considering their socio-economic backgrounds. To achieve this goal, Empoderando a Latinoamérica seeks to carry out a need-blind selection of participants based on the potential and merit of each candidate, and provides scholarships to those participants who need them. To continue carrying out our work, Empoderando a Latinoamérica depends on the collaboration of individuals, civil organizations, governments, and businesses, and for this reason encourages each of them to make a donation to the course. To make a donation to the course, there are two ways to do it:


1) Donation via PayPal

To make a donation via PayPal, click on the "Donate" button below to access the PayPal webpage in order to make a contribution either through a PayPal account you already have or debit or credit card transfer to our PayPal account. 





2) Deposit/Transfer to the following bank account:

Bank: Scotiabank

Account number: 24800051047

Routing number: 044240248000510479

Account Holder: Patricio Emiliano Provencio O’Donoghue


3) Empoderando a Latinoamérica Scholarships

Follow this link (in Spanish) to learn more about the Empoderando a Latinoamérica Scholarships.

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